Any set of Terraform configuration files in a folder is a module.

Root module - a directory where you run apply command.

Reusable module - module that is imported in other modules.

Reusable modules don’t need to define providers block.

Syntax of using the module:

module "<NAME>" {
  source = "<SOURCE>"
  [CONFIG ...]
  • NAME - an identifier of the resource that you can use in the Terraform configuration to reference to the imported module.
  • SOURCE - path to the module, e.g. modules/services/users.
  • CONFIG - module arguments. Basically all variable of the module.

Whenever you add a module to the Terraform configuration or modify the source parameter of the module, you need to run init command to download/configure the module.

Output of the module is all the output defined in the configuration, and can be accessed with:

# e.g.


File paths

Inside the module all paths are relative to the working directory. That means, that to point to the local file inside the reusable module, you need to the a path reference, instead of using relative path (it will not work when )

There are a couple path references in Terraform that may come in handy:

  • path.module - returns the filesystem path of the module where the expression is defined - current reusable module.
  • path.root - returns the filesystem path of the root module.
  • path.cwd - returns the filesystem path of the current working directory. In normal use will be the same as path.root, but in some advanced uses of Terraform may be different.


user_data = templatefile("${path.module}/", {
	server_port = var.server_port
	db_address  = data.terraform_remote_state.db.outputs.address
	db_port     = data.terraform_remote_state.db.outputs.port

Inline blocks

It’s better to use separate resources when available, instead of inline blocks. That way it can be easily extendable from the root module.

resource "aws_security_group" "alb" {
  name = "${var.cluster_name}-alb"
  ingress {
    from_port   = local.http_port
    to_port     = local.http_port
    protocol    = local.tcp_protocol
    cidr_blocks = local.all_ips
  egress {
    from_port   = local.any_port
    to_port     = local.any_port
    protocol    = local.any_protocol
    cidr_blocks = local.all_ips
resource "aws_security_group" "alb" {
  name = "${var.cluster_name}-alb"
resource "aws_security_group_rule" "allow_http_inbound" {
  type              = "ingress"
  security_group_id =
  from_port   = local.http_port
  to_port     = local.http_port
  protocol    = local.tcp_protocol
  cidr_blocks = local.all_ips
resource "aws_security_group_rule" "allow_all_outbound" {
  type              = "egress"
  security_group_id =
  from_port   = local.any_port
  to_port     = local.any_port
  protocol    = local.any_protocol
  cidr_blocks = local.all_ips