Since access tokens are bound to an account and have write access to all its private repos, it’s a very bad solution.

Instead, use deploy keys.

Deploy keys are simply SSH keys that you can use to clone a repo.

  1. Create a new SSH key pair on your computer
  2. Put the public key in the private dependency repo’s Deploy keys
  3. Put the private key in the app repo’s Actions secrets
  4. Delete the keys from your computer

Once it’s set, you can set the private key in the GitHub Action’s SSH Agent. There’s no need to import a third-party GitHub Action, a 2-liner will suffice.

eval `ssh-agent -s`
ssh-add - <<< '${{ secrets.PRIVATE_SSH_KEY }}'
pip install -r requirements.txt

Deploy keys were also the most convenient choice in my scenario but, for extra convenience, I managed the loading into the agent through the webfactory/ssh-agent action:

# GHA workflow
- uses: webfactory/ssh-agent@v0.5.4
      ssh-private-key: ${{ secrets.PRIVATE_SSH_KEY }}
# pyproject.toml
aws-lambda-powerlib = {git = "", rev = "1.0.0"}