

There are local (node.position) and global (node.global_position) positions.


Start at 360p. 2x is 720, 3x is 1080, 4x is 1440 and 6x is 2160


AnimationPlayer is powerful.

For one-off in-code simple animations tweens can be used.

Tweens will be applied sequentially. If the desired behavior is for the to run in parallel, tween.set_parallel(true) can be used.

Start value of the property affected by tween can be specified with .from(), e.g. twee.tween_property($Player, "modulate:a", 0, 2).from(0.5)

Speed of the transition can be specified with: .speed() method, e.g. twee.tween_property($Player, "modulate:a", 0, 2).speed(Tween.TRANS_QUAD)


To create a new theme RMK on explorer tab > New Resource > Theme.

Theme can be specified on the node level or on the project level (gui/theme/custom).

Variants for each type can be added

Warnings, GUI documentation

_get_configuration_warnings() can be used to display warnings similar to how Area2D displays warning when no CollisionShape2D attached to it. It allows to document the code without relying on the external documentation. Source:

How to