Methods like __getitem__ that are used in Python data model to interact with fundamental language constructs, such as:

  • Collections
  • Attribute access
  • Iteration (including asynchronous iteration using async for)
  • Operator overloading
  • Function and method invocation
  • String representation and formatting
  • Asynchronous programming using await
  • Object creation and destruction
  • Managed contexts using the with or async with statements

By implementing special methods, your objects can behave like the built-in types, enabling the expressive coding style the community considers Pythonic.

Also called “magic” or “dunder” methods.


“Dunder” is a shortcut for “double underscore before and after.”

“Any use of __*__ names, in any context, that does not follow explicitly documented use, is subject to breakage without warning.”

  • The Python Language Reference


Special methods are meant to be called by the Python interpreter, and not by you. You don’t write my_object.__len__(). You write len(my_object) and, if my_object is an instance of a user-defined class, then Python calls the __len__ method you implemented.

Except the cases when you are doing a lot of metaprogramming.

Interpreter can make some shortcuts when dealing for built-in types, and retrieves some values directly, instead of calling a method, to improve performance.


There are more than 80 special method names.

Special method names (operators excluded)

CategoryMethod names
String/bytes representation__repr__ __str__ __format__ __bytes__ __fspath__
Conversion to number__bool__ __complex__ __int__ __float__ __hash__ __index__
Emulating collections__len__ __getitem__ __setitem__ __delitem__ __contains__
Iteration__iter__ __aiter__ __next__ __anext__ __reversed__
Callable or coroutine execution__call__ __await__
Context management__enter__ __exit__ __aexit__ __aenter__
Instance creation and destruction__new__ __init__ __del__
Attribute management__getattr__ __getattribute__ __setattr__ __delattr__ __dir__
Attribute descriptors__get__ __set__ __delete__ __set_name__
Abstract base classes__instancecheck__ __subclasscheck__
Class metaprogramming__prepare__ __init_subclass__ __class_getitem__ __mro_entries__

Special method names and symbols for operators

Operator categorySymbolsMethod names
Unary numeric- + abs()__neg__ __pos__ __abs__
Rich comparison< <= == != > >=__lt__ __le__ __eq__ __ne__ __gt__ __ge__
Arithmetic+ - * / // % @ divmod() round() ** pow()__add__ __sub__ __mul__ __truediv__ __floordiv__ __mod__ __matmul__ __divmod__ __round__ __pow__
Reversed arithmetic(arithmetic operators with swapped operands)__radd__ __rsub__ __rmul__ __rtruediv__ __rfloordiv__ __rmod__ __rmatmul__ __rdivmod__ __rpow__
Augmented assignment arithmetic+= -= *= /= //= %= @= **=__iadd__ __isub__ __imul__ __itruediv__ __ifloordiv__ __imod__ __imatmul__ __ipow__
Bitwise& | ^ << >> ~__and__ __or__ __xor__ __lshift__ __rshift__ __invert__
Reversed bitwise(bitwise operators with swapped operands)__rand__ __ror__ __rxor__ __rlshift__ __rrshift__
Augmented assignment bitwise&= |= ^= <<= >>=__iand__ __ior__ __ixor__ __ilshift__ __irshift__