A trait defines functionality a particular type has and can share with other types. We can use traits to define shared behavior in an abstract way. We can use trait bounds to specify that a generic type can be any type that has certain behavior.

Traits are similar to a feature often called interfaces in other languages, although with some differences.

Trait definitions are a way to group method signatures together to define a set of behaviors necessary to accomplish some purpose.

pub trait Summary {
    fn summarize(&self) -> String;
pub struct NewsArticle {
    pub headline: String,
    pub location: String,
    pub author: String,
    pub content: String,
impl Summary for NewsArticle {
    fn summarize(&self) -> String {
        format!("{}, by {} ({})", self.headline, self.author, self.location)
pub struct Tweet {
    pub username: String,
    pub content: String,
    pub reply: bool,
    pub retweet: bool,
impl Summary for Tweet {
    fn summarize(&self) -> String {
        format!("{}: {}", self.username, self.content)
use aggregator::{Summary, Tweet};
fn main() {
    let tweet = Tweet {
        username: String::from("horse_ebooks"),
        content: String::from(
            "of course, as you probably already know, people",
        reply: false,
        retweet: false,
    println!("1 new tweet: {}", tweet.summarize());

We can’t implement external traits on external types. This restriction is part of a property called coherence, and more specifically the orphan rule, so named because the parent type is not present. This rule ensures that other people’s code can’t break your code and vice versa. Without the rule, two crates could implement the same trait for the same type, and Rust wouldn’t know which implementation to use.

Default implementations

Sometimes it’s useful to have default behavior for some or all of the methods in a trait instead of requiring implementations for all methods on every type. Then, as we implement the trait on a particular type, we can keep or override each method’s default behavior.

pub trait Summary {
    fn summarize(&self) -> String {
        String::from("(Read more...)")

To use a default implementation to summarize instances of NewsArticle, we specify an empty impl block with impl Summary for NewsArticle {}.

Default implementations can call other methods in the same trait, even if those other methods don’t have a default implementation.

Note that it isn’t possible to call the default implementation from an overriding implementation of that same method.

Traits as Parameters

There are several ways to pass object that implements some trait as a parameter to a function or a method.

Instead of a concrete type for the item parameter, we specify the impl keyword and the trait name.

pub fn notify(item: &impl Summary) {
    println!("Breaking news! {}", item.summarize());

The impl Trait syntax works for straightforward cases but is actually syntax sugar for a longer form known as a trait bound; it looks like this:

pub fn notify<T: Summary>(item: &T) {
    println!("Breaking news! {}", item.summarize());

This longer form is equivalent to the example in the previous section but is more verbose.

The impl Trait syntax is convenient and makes for more concise code in simple cases, while the fuller trait bound syntax can express more complexity in other cases.

We can also specify more than one trait bound.

pub fn notify(item: &(impl Summary + Display)) {


pub fn notify<T: Summary + Display>(item: &T) {

Using too many trait bounds has its downsides. Each generic has its own trait bounds, so functions with multiple generic type parameters can contain lots of trait bound information between the function’s name and its parameter list, making the function signature hard to read. For this reason, Rust has alternate syntax for specifying trait bounds inside a where clause after the function signature. So instead of writing this:

fn some_function<T: Display + Clone, U: Clone + Debug>(t: &T, u: &U) -> i32 {

we can use a where clause, like this:

fn some_function<T, U>(t: &T, u: &U) -> i32
    T: Display + Clone,
    U: Clone + Debug,

This function’s signature is less cluttered: the function name, parameter list, and return type are close together, similar to a function without lots of trait bounds.

Returning types that implement Traits

We can also use the impl Trait syntax in the return position to return a value of some type that implements a trait:

fn returns_summarizable() -> impl Summary {
    Tweet {
        username: String::from("horse_ebooks"),
        content: String::from(
            "of course, as you probably already know, people",
        reply: false,
        retweet: false,

The ability to specify a return type only by the trait it implements is especially useful in the context of closures and iterators.

However, you can only use impl Trait if you’re returning a single type. For example, this code that returns either a NewsArticle or a Tweet with the return type specified as impl Summary wouldn’t work:

fn returns_summarizable(switch: bool) -> impl Summary {
    if switch {
        NewsArticle {
            headline: String::from(
                "Penguins win the Stanley Cup Championship!",
            location: String::from("Pittsburgh, PA, USA"),
            author: String::from("Iceburgh"),
            content: String::from(
                "The Pittsburgh Penguins once again are the best \
                 hockey team in the NHL.",
    } else {
        Tweet {
            username: String::from("horse_ebooks"),
            content: String::from(
                "of course, as you probably already know, people",
            reply: false,
            retweet: false,

Returning either a NewsArticle or a Tweet isn’t allowed due to restrictions around how the impl Trait syntax is implemented in the compiler.

We’ll cover how to write a function with this behavior in the β€œUsing Trait Objects That Allow for Values of Different Types” section of Chapter 17.

Using Trait Bounds to Conditionally Implement Methods

use std::fmt::Display;
struct Pair<T> {
    x: T,
    y: T,
impl<T> Pair<T> {
    fn new(x: T, y: T) -> Self {
        Self { x, y }
impl<T: Display + PartialOrd> Pair<T> {
    fn cmp_display(&self) {
        if self.x >= self.y {
            println!("The largest member is x = {}", self.x);
        } else {
            println!("The largest member is y = {}", self.y);

Pair<T> only implements the cmp_display method if its inner type T implements the PartialOrd trait that enables comparison and the Display trait that enables printing.

We can also conditionally implement a trait for any type that implements another trait. Implementations of a trait on any type that satisfies the trait bounds are called blanket implementations and are extensively used in the Rust standard library. For example, the standard library implements the ToString trait on any type that implements the Display trait. The impl block in the standard library looks similar to this code:

impl<T: Display> ToString for T {
    // --snip--

Blanket implementations appear in the documentation for the trait in the β€œImplementors” section.