q Go through go.mod reference https://go.dev/doc/modules/gomod-ref

Go module is defined by this file.

It contains the name of the module, Go version and list of all the dependencies and their versions.


module example.com/greetings

go 1.22.2

To init run the go mod init command, e.g. go mod init example.com/greetings.

Don’t edit the file directly. Instead use commands like go get and go mod tidy.



Declares the module as a dependency to the current module, specifying the minimum module version.

Syntax: require module-path module-version

If the module isn’t published, the pseudo-version number is used, e.g.:

module example.com/hello

go 1.22.2

replace example.com/greetings => ../greetings

require example.com/greetings v0.0.0-00010101000000-000000000000

For a published module a tagger version number will be used:

require example.com/greetings v1.1.0
